Located at the southern end of Tor Bay, the historic fishing town and resort of Brixham is popular with holidaymakers and artists alike. With a population of just under 18,000,
Brixham is a small town with a pretty harbour and port, with a long fishing tradition. William of Orange landed in Brixham in 1688 and a statue commemorating this historic event can be seen on the quayside today. Brixham stands in a good position and is sheltered from south-westerly gales, enjoying mild
weather conditions. Among Brixham’s attractions are a full sized reproduction of Francis Drake’s ship, the Golden Hind, the St Mary’s parish church, with its buttressed tower, and the Brixham Heritage Museum in New Road, offering an insight into Brixham’s past history and maritime traditions. You can view a map of Brixham here:
Brixham Map.